Rocky Hill Borough

P.O. Box 188 Rocky Hill NJ 08853
609-924-7445 fax: 609-9924-2274
Violations Bureau: 609-924-7943

In the southeast corner of Somerset County resides Rocky Hill Borough. During the American Revolution, General George Washington and his troops passed through Rocky Hill in 1777 and 1778 and the Comte de Rochambeau's French troops passed through in 1781. Washington spent three months in Rocky Hill in 1783 living at the Berrien farm (now Rockingham State Historic Site) while he attended the Continental Congress in Princeton. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century came to Rocky Hill with the Delaware & Raritan Canal and a railroad line. This transportation revolution turned the village into a commercial center with factories, stores and other businesses. The growth on the west side of the Millstone River resulted in Rocky Hill separating from Montgomery Township in 1890 and forming an independent borough. The Depression of the 1930's ended Rocky Hill's "business boom" and the village became a quaint residential community. The population peak was in 1970 when Princeton Ridge development brought in many newcomers. Rocky Hill's Historic District was established in 1982 to preserve the 19th Century character of the village. Its 662 residents live in one of the smallest municipalities in the State of New Jersey.

Mayor: Jeff Donahue

District: 12th Congressional District

Type of Government: Borough Mayor & Six Borough Council members

Population: 692 Square Miles: 0.6

Housing Cost Range: $225,000 to $600,000

Property Tax Rate: 2.44

School District: Montgomery Township

Public Library: Mary Jacobs Memorial 609-924-7073

Cable: Patriot Media 866-728-1776

Gas/Electric: PSE&G 609-924-7000

Refuse Removal: Waste Management 800-633-9096

Water: Rocky Hill 609-924-7445